This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store general information and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser.

We use cookies to recognise your device and provide online services. Most websites use cookies because they provide an essential tool for the operation of ours and other websites.

Opting out or blocking some cookies may affect the functionality of these sites. We want to be open about the way we use cookies and to help you make informed choices about the use.

We do not place any advertising cookies on your computer or device. We use only cookies on this site:

  • To make the website function properly for you and to enable you to make use of the services we provide.
  • To remember your preferences and make the site easier for you to use.
  • To collect information about how you use our website which is then anonymised and used to help us improve our services.

Some of the cookies we place on your computer or device are ours. These are “first party” cookies. Other cookies may be provided by other parties, these are called “third party” cookies and are set by other websites of domains. This would arise, for example, where we include features and functionality provided by other websites, for example YouTube videos.

We use Google Analytics to track visitors to our website and analyse how they use it, for example, where they have come from, which pages they visit and so on. To do that, Google analytics will set up three cookies in your browser. They don’t store any information that could identify you, and all the information we get from them is anonymous.

All modern browsers let you reject cookies. If you decide to follow the instructions below to stop cookies being set in your browser, bear in mind that parts of our website (and other sites) might not function as they are supposed to. If you are concerned about third party cookies, you can reject those ones and still receive the cookies that let our site function properly.

Instructions on refusing and deleting cookies for some popular browsers are linked below:

Mozilla Firefox | Google Chrome | Internet Explorer | Safari

If you do not understand or accept this cookie policy, or if you have any questions concerning any matter, then please email us at or write to us at:

Caroline Orr-Bond
Luxury Beach House Rental
New England Beach House
Club Walk, South Strand
East Preston, West Sussex
BN16 1PN