Our commitment to hygiene at our luxury self-catering rentals

luxury self-catering rentals

Ensuring the happiness and safety of our guests

luxury self-catering rentalsWhilst we have always taken hygiene and cleanliness very seriously, we are working harder than ever to ensure that our luxury self-catering rentals in West Sussex remain a safe and enjoyable environment for our guests. Our priority is to safeguard the health and safety of our guests and staff, ensuring that your visit to us continues to be safe, relaxing and enjoyable. As we continue to take every possible precaution, following the latest government guidelines and protocols to the last letter, we want to put your mind at ease and advise you of the enhanced cleaning and precautionary measures that we are taking:

  • As usual, all our houses undergo a professional cleaning service following check out.
  • Proper PPE equipment for all our staff.
  • All “touchpoint” areas are sterilised and using BS EN1276 certified cleaning products.
  • The professional cleaning of all our linens in line with the Textile Services Association guideline.
  • Each hot tub is drained, cleaned and refilled with the correct chemical and pH balance upon changeover.

We hope that such details will give you confidence when coming to stay with us, allowing you to relax and unwind completely… something that we all are in need of after these last few months!

To book your stay at one of our luxury self-catering rentals in West Sussex, see availability and enquire online. Or call Sue, both in and out of office hours, on +44(0)7826720813. We take weekends, midweek and weeklong bookings.